Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ooooh! I HATE that wascally wabbit

Looney Toons is such a good cartoon series. Anytime you get a bunch of dancing trees, wide-eyed squirrels, and grumpy old men with over-sized shotguns together you know things can't be so bad.

Of course today's cartoons steer far from buck shots and cross dressing but it's not too hard to find a nostolgic glimpse of cartoon land's best rilvaries.

I wonder what John McCain would look like if he boiled up face red in full steam?

I imagine he's angry enough. How frustrating it must be for any candidate up against Barack Obama.

It seems every time he's cornered with an unfortunate flub, attacked with a scathing critique, or surprised by a scandalous acquaintance, he manages to give a big wet sopping kiss to his adversary before merrily jumping off.

Woop! Woop! Woop!

They have got to really hate this guy.

So like an Elmer Fudd, Marvin Martian, or Wile E. Coyote, the answer is simple.

Get more guns! (Or rockets I suppose)

Attack! Denounce! Seize! And barrage in a salvo of bombastic reprobations!

"Karl Rove denounces Obama as an elitest!"

"Dobson attacks Obama's religious acumen!"

"Sean Hannity seizes on Barack's speech!"

"Liberal!" "Empty Suit!" "Radical!"

And did I mention he's black?

Now whenever Daffy faced Marvin's pistol lazer he naturally broke out a bigger pistol.

And in the loony world of politics this is fair game.

A bigger gun, and then another, and then another until BOOM! You're President.

Now Bugs, he's a different bunny altogether. Shoot, blast, explode all you want, Bugs Bunny survives, he maneuvers, out thinks his rival, and he allows his enemy to win a fleeting victory, an empty assault, because Bugs plays for the finale instead of the moment. Bugs is thinking about us. You and I at the end of the show.

"Ain't I a stinker?"

It's hard not to smile when you witness the theatre.

The man with "no experience" who manages to handily subjugate his attackers.

The empty suit that weighs a ton eh?

The truth is all the attacks against Obama, that do not directly address a difference in policy, are pretty pathetic.

An elitest negro from Kansas who pulled himself from a broken family to attend Harvard?

Hell, even my blood's bluer than that.

And the more Republicans continue to repulse and find issue with every thing Obama says when he breaks the mold of typical candidate speak (On religion, cultural antipathy, and Barack's sense of political and international "savoir-faire")

The more they'll find themselves looking down the rabbit hole, wondering how they could have possibly missed when they fired so many shots?

Maybe a bigger gun?

What's amazing is that John McCain, the man conservatives seem to bash a whole lot, is the only person capable of beating Obama.

Do you think Romney or Guilani would have held any ground against this guy?

Obama would have crushed Mitt's plastic smile and Rudy's batty bravado with a single rally.

But whenever John tries to focus on the issues he believes in, or draw attention to his strength's of experience and service, an attack ad on Obama's wife surfaces.

And when McCain tries to tell his fellow Republicans to drop an ad or evacuate a fear campaign he's ridiculed by his own party.

They just haven't quite figured out that the game is changed a little this year.

So they publicly deride their own candidate and look to FOX News, Pat Robertson, and Karl Rove to win this election for them.

And that's truly looney.

1 comment:

DaMan said...

So sad when a party tears itself up against the wishes of the candidate (even if it goes in favor of the guy i'm rooting for)
As for FOX news they really want to lose viewers thru talking complete non-sense and trash I mean Terrorist fist jab that was so stupid I had to laugh.