Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Great War

By now you should have realized that there is a war going on.

The stakes are high and the combatants are bloody vicious to each other. On one end we have Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Victor Stenger. (And many more) and on the other end we have Stephen C. Meyer, William Dembski, and Michael Behe. (And many more) Ben Stein made a movie last year about this war called “Expelled!”.

This fight is a nasty one, but the real casualties are regular people like you and I who don’t hold multiple PHD’s from Ivy League universities. Information trickles down from the talking points of each camp and most of the time these talking points are pure oversimplified nonsense. Darwinists brutally slam biochemists like Dr. Charles Garner who note that “The threshold of evidence for evolution is set far lower than any of the other sciences”.
Richard Dawkins vehemently declares “Intelligent Design is not science!” Despite the peer reviewed papers of Stephen C. Meyer (Proceedings of Biological Society of Washington DC), William Dembski and Stephen Behe’s science of protein structures and synthesis.

Online people are called IDiots, retards, uninformed, ignorant, and worse despite the real scientists having serious debates when the cameras aren’t rolling and the press is far far away. Just last week Biola University hosted a debate with evolutionists versus a panel of ID scientists. It was complex, cordial, and well informed.
No one was called uniformed because the fact is Intelligent Design doesn’t need the gaps of science to prove its point. It doesn’t want the gaps. It wants the lab, the method, and the results of serious scientific evaluation. A couple of years ago Richard Dawkins debated John Lennox and though I thought it was an even debate, Dawkins apparently thought he would steam roll over the Christian and he didn’t even come close.

In fact beyond the name calling and cursing Christopher Hitchens and Victor Stenger have both met their match at the hands of William Lane Craig. Dawkins outright refuses to debate him. Atheist professor Dr. Bradley Monton recently wrote “Evolutionists have attempted to stifle the science of Intelligent Design as ridiculous for over 30 years by calling it names and forcing the perception that it is a religion, however, ID continues to grow and become stronger in every field of legitimate research.”

Websites like ARN.Org, ID the, Biologic Institute.Org, Uncommon, Reasonable Faith.Org and many more have amazing peer reviewed scientific arguments for intelligent design for those who aren’t afraid to read the opposition of the norm.

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