Sunday, January 25, 2009

Through The Looking Glass

The election is over.

Now the catastrophe that is American employment, education and politics is on display for the whole world to eagerly observe how we collectively deal with the problems of this age.

Barack Obama was impressively voted in to change the direction Bush & co have taken the United States in the last 8 years. While some of these problems extend past the 8 years, Americans fully expect Barack Obama to deliver substantive improvement in job growth, energy options, education reform, enviromental protection, not to mention our 2 wars, the middle east crisis, and a home mortage meltdown on top of an enormous economic meltdown.

I no longer encourage my children to dream about being the president.

Not only is Obama's job near insurmountable but by the end of the first week it is becoming obvious that many Americans want this new omlet of "Change" without breaking any eggs.

I'm tired of that word. "Change".

I'm all for leading America into a new direction but everytime Obama picks an old war horse for a position, any time a compromise has to be made to better serve the country, or a decision or a statement is not understood or distorted to serve opposition arguments the word "change" will inevitably appear for years and years to come.

"Is this the CHAAANNGE Obama promised us?"

"Where's the CHAAANGE?"

"This isn't CHAAANGE!"

So, I'll say it now, I'm sick of the damn word.

And through the looking glass of American politics arguments are more important than results. Viewpoints trump facts, and the debate holds more allure than the solution.

After all Rush Limbaugh didn't just sign a $400 million contract for festering bridges and lucid analysis. No, the big money is in the fight.

The problem is in the win-win nature of the lie. If you're called out on the manipulative nature of the press you favor the publicity, if you're left alone you garner an audience.

So Sean Hannity continues to call Michelle Obama unpatriotic because she says she's not proud of her country.

(Though that wasn't what she said at all and the entire speech was based on unprecedented voter turn out and participation not America's faults or glory.)

Rush Limbaugh continues to refer to the Obama's "slave blood" and nationally declares he wants Obama to fail.

And on the left, MSNBC continues to exert their undying devotion to Obama. He had them at "Hello".

Because the problem exists on both sides and Obama will have to upset his left supporters and decry the right's flaws while still appearing to be unpartisian.

A perfect example was this week when Obama reminded Republicans "I won" when hammering out a stimulus bill. When Bush and McCain attempted to prevent the banks from crumbling down around us they could barely pass a bill despite late night fighting, a failed attempt and a watchful country.

While Obama conceeded points towards Republican wishes he reminded them that he disagreed with their overall philosophy of governing and so does America if nationwide elections are any indicator.

"I won" was a reminder that Republicans are not and should not get everything they want anymore.

It's an obvious observation but it didn't take long for the press to incite the controversy. Across the nation newsmen told Americans what to think and how to feel about this.

And all across the country each side regurgitated what they heard and subsequently what they felt about this.

"Is this the CHAAANNGE we've been waiting for?"

Now this is as old as politics, but the real problem is when national debate devolves into a football rivalry. You begin to make as much sense as the naked paint man with the beer helmet.

Do we want this guy running the government?

Isn't the dream of every American to continually improve? To learn more than we did, to be better people than our fathers, to grow and increase our understanding?

Then lets try to put aside the old looking glass and come to the facts.

Fox News is an unabashedly Republican news station unable to deliver the truth. Compared to them everyone is liberal. So stop telling everyone that the media is liberal, it's like Nazi's calling everyone in the world pro-Israel.

So is MSNBC...but for Democrats.

Radio men lie. Both left and right commentators. They're strictly for entertainment. Not truth.

Start from here and recognize that there is big money spent everyday to lie to you, distort your intelligence and change your mind. Personally the only news I watch any more is Sunday talk with George Stephanopoulos, Meet the Press, and Anderson Cooper. (John King isn't bad) But I can also tolerate Fox's Bill Oreilly, Brit Hume and even Sean Hannity when I want to raise my blood pressure.

I don't watch MSNBC anymore lest I feel dirty.

The bible says judge a tree by its fruit. So let's judge by what comes of Obama closing Gitmo before we call it niave. Let's judge Democrat's plans to pour money into schools, infrastructure, and energy by what happens, let's judge by results and not by what ideology we suscribe to.

And for God's sake turn off Rush Limbaugh.

1 comment:

DaMan said...

I bet there's someone out there who has made it their life mission to turn off Rush while I don't agree with him, unfortunately lots of people do or give him their ears.

Here's hoping the REFORMs of Obama will see agreement on both parties so that we can get this country back where it needs to be.