Sunday, March 15, 2009

Storming The Check Books Of Normandy

France is such an easy place to ridicule.

For starters many don't really care for us. Which is enough to deride them whenever possible. Furthermore they opposed us going into Iraq (gasp!). And have nationalized healthcare (gulp!) And what isn't there to hate about a country that runs so heartily on tax revenue (gah!).

So it's no surprise that whenever Republicans need a punching bag or insult, France is always on the tip of the toungue.
Big spending, tax increases, healthcare reform just about sum up what President Obama is authoring for this country and already conservatives are digging in for a fight.

Not to mention that Republicans throw the word "Socialist" out like panties at a Tom Jones concert. The party of opposition have become the party of "No" "No" "No". And any ideas of bank and economy recovery coming out of the right are as old and bankrupt as, well the banks and economy.

It's hard to believe that if Obama's strategies succeed, conservatives will ever give credit. If this time next year we've come out of this misunderstood and great recession it'll be the talking heads on Fox news or radio trying their best to explain away the progress on anything and everything that doesn't begin and end with Barack Obama.

Surely if the economy falters in 8 months it'll be the President's head on the Republican mantle.

I find it hilarious how quickly conservatives are trying to blame Obama for our current situation and make us forget about the ridiculousness of the past 8 years of Republican policies.

When Clinton early on employed policies for economic prosperity (which the right also tried their best to vote down) Republicans tried their best to implant the idea that Reagan's policies were finally coming to maturation.

"It takes years after a presidency to witness its true results!"

So it was during Dubya's 8 year presidency that we were assured that history would judge him favorably. That we were experiencing economic growth and that Bush's tax plan, Bush's budget, and Bush's economic policy was sound.

But not 60 days into Obama's presidency conservatives are already calling it "Obama's recession". True he owns it, but let's never forget who gave life to this beast and lets not dumb down further and forget who got us out if we indeed ever do break free of this economic disaster.

Worse comes to worse we could all just move to France.

1 comment:

DaMan said...

Wee Wee?
oh does of short memory, four years may seem like a long time, but for those who have lost their jobs, cars, and or homes they are going to remember who did what best and more than likely will decide the next election.
I guess the republicans are determined to lose the rest of their seats instead of showing cooperation.

good to see ya blogging again.