Imagine you are looking deep into the random sky on a hill of lush green lawn. Up in the air you see a white billowy cloud that reacts to the winds above and begins to transform into an A shaped cumulus. You might smirk to yourself as you make out the well known letter. Perhaps you’ll use your imagination just a bit to get that angle right but there it is, right in front of you.
Through completely random means information has appeared in the sky. You’ve interpreted it and recognized the shape and the means by which it came together. Now imagine if someone came up to you and said that given enough time not only will every letter in the alphabet eventually arise but with even more time they will arise in the precise order specifically needed to write out the lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner.
This is exactly what science is telling us, and here’s the reason why. Everything in the universe, from the farthest super nova to the smallest cell in your body is amazingly connected, correlated, and controlled by the unfathomable minutia of force, control, and (magic word) design. Physics, astronomy, chemistry, biochemistry and anthropology all represent those clouds in the air with the one unmistakable common discovery amongst themselves. Every realm of science continues to look into the sky and finds.
Evolution! We see it every day. Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics. Plants become resistant to bacteria. One day that goo under the microscope looks like a floating P. After some dosing and exposure, we’ll observe future generations and that P will look like a floating F! And that floating F is resistant to whatever we kept hitting it with. Evolution! We tinker with dogs and plants and new breeds arise, we observe birds that have beaks that grow or shrink over the years to fit surroundings. Evolution?
Now someone may notice these bacteria letters floating around and say to themselves “step by step, over enough time this bacteria could become something far greater! In fact I see now that all life was at one time like this simple floating F here and given enough time…
Which is universally a wonderful idea. Microevolution is a fact, and should be used to justify Macroevolution which might as well be a fact. This would explain why, biologically, everything relates to each other with an impressive precision. To give you an idea of just how precise everything in our universe lines up let us go beyond biology. Let’s go to the beginning!
The Big Bang. An explosion of light and raw unbridled power. Uncontained and unleashed on an unsuspecting cosmos of complete nothingness, from nothingness, by nothing, for us. But what existed before the Big Bang? God? Nothing? Only one thing is for sure. What existed before the Big Bang, was order.
(Takes a deep breath)
Before the Big Bang reached the size of an atom, the entire event was contained by a strong Nuclear constant in resonance with a precise weak nuclear constant held by an exact gravitational constant and electromagnetic constant by the precise ratio of electron to proton mass (and number) within the absolute set expansion of the universe governed by the definite speed of light which is moving along the entropy level of the universe held by the fixed density of the universe sustained by the exact age of universe finely structured by a (relatively) narrow distance between stars ensuring that everything in the universe works.
And what I mean by “works” is this. Astrophysicists have rigorously concluded that if any of these laws were even slightly (and I’m talking 1 in 100 Trillion) reduced or increased nothing would exist. And I mean nothing. Bonds couldn’t hold, atoms couldn’t form, molecules would melt away and galaxies would never form because the Big Bang would have never gotten bigger than half an atom or oppositely it would have spread out instantly like marbles on a floor, aimless and unable to cling and coalesce as it disintegrated into nothingness.
But lucky for us the Big Bang was a controlled explosion of sorts. Everything was in place so stars could form and explode releasing carbon (and so much more) into the universe so it could stockpile everything it needed to create the jewel of the cosmos we ever so humbly call Earth. So now us humans have these beautiful clouds to gaze and connect with, but was an insanely precise universe all we had to contend with before looking up at floating A’s?
Not really, in fact the axis of the earth is methodically placed to support the only temperatures we could survive in. Within a space of a couple degrees winters would freeze the continent and summers would scorch the sky. Our distance from the sun is exactly where it needs to be to prevent an ice planet with no liquid water or a boiled hot gas planet. We have a moon which is crucial, but even more crucial is that our moon is exactly the size it is and where it’s correctly located to regulate our Earth’s tides, rotation, and atmosphere, all of which require these precise levels to allow even the most basic of life to exist. The Earth’s crust is correctly measured to allow just the right amount of tectonic activity to ensure our atmosphere doesn’t give up its oxygen to an overly thick crusted planet, which is lucky for us because our planet’s gravity holds atmospheric water perfectly but also is weak enough to prevent larger ammonia and methane retention in the atmosphere which would kill anything that breathes. Even our days are perfectly aligned because any longer would force obscene temperature changes, any shorter and atmospheric wind velocities would sand blast our entire planet.
Astrophysicist Hugh Ross has discovered 32 of these minutely distinct parameters for Earth alone.
But let’s say for the sake of argument and fancy that there are multiple universes all over the place. Trillions and Trillions and Trillions of universes and we got the one that can sustain cellular life and here we are on this perfect oasis of interstellar pandemonium. For about a billion years the earth was a molten ball of rock and then it cooled right where it needed to. An asteroid hit our planet destroying everything but luckily forming a perfectly sized moon from the massive impact. So give or take several hundred million years and we begin with the life lottery. Let’s play!
As the waters part and land forms the primordial stew that is our early ocean presumably had some basic make-up of amino acids floating around. Then one day these amino acids bumped together in just the right way to form a simple protein that could replicate…and evolution! Really?
Not really. Cytochrome-C enzyme (A basic tiny protein) takes about 100 amino acids in a very precise specific order (seeing a trend?) to form. Now there are special enzymes that assist in the bonding of these acids that come exclusively from actual cells –which are nowhere to be found. But never mind the chicken or egg scenario there because mathematicians have surmised that the odds of a set of even the simplest proteins forming by random collisions and attractions are 1 in 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
I had to count all those zeroes!
Now once upon a time scientists could simply do what they always did when confronted with the improbability of evolution. They could throw time at it. “Oh over billions of years you reduce the chances”. Or they could attempt to reduce the overwhelming odds by inventing clever scenarios where simple structures form and hold and wait for more and more complex structures to add on.
The problem is now we know the universe is around 14 billion years old, and we know the earth is around 4.5 billion years old. This really burns the candle on both ends. Furthermore we see evolution is absolutely racing towards a fixed position. From the moment life started evolution takes off! As if hurriedly rushing towards complex systems like bodily symmetry, and my favorite…eyeballs. (But we’ll get to that later)
For instance the Trilobite is one of the most common fossils found. And we find lots of fossils. But our most abundant fossils are from the explosion of life scientist call the “Cambrian explosion”. In this strata life explodes from single cell life into multi-cellular complex life. But there’s a problem. Evolution is not supposed to work this way. Trilobites are supposed to be as simple as imaginatively possible, but they are surprisingly more complex than modern Horseshoe crabs. They have complex imaging capabilities in their eyes and highly sophisticated axial symmetry in their bodies. These things were around 600 million years ago! But what do you think was around at the beginning? Say 3.4 billion years ago?
At this age you’d expect any fossil that was found to be a molecule sized simple celled goo. But what we have are Stromatolites. And Stromatolites are no simple goo. They are sophisticated cyanobacteria that still exist today. Not only that but they have bewilderingly complex protections for their DNA like cell walls that malign the idea that these things evolved at all.
The overarching problem for evolutionists are the constant pitfalls, dead ends, and plain errors that exist all over the macroevolution minefield and evolutionists know it. They say Intelligent Design is simply inserting God into the gaps of scientific knowledge but if the gaps hint at a divine fingerprint, then it is the foundations of scientific thought that forcefully cry out for an intelligent mind.
Remember Lucy? Irda? Ida? Each had an enormous following of fanfare on TIME, CNN, Newsweek, and FOX as the next great link in mankind’s evolutionary history. But about a month later, on the back of a dusty peer reviewed paper the claims were scaled back. Waaay back.
Never heard about that on PBS.
And we never will because like the Piltdown man, evolutionists make extravagant promises only to be disappointed over and over again when more scientific information pulls us farther away from the wishes of neo-Darwinists. And you’ll never hear about it.
Have you heard that Chimps are 99% identical to us?
Of course you have, but did you know the test compared human genetics against the back drop of the far smaller chimp code. Does it surprise you that the similarities are simple things like hair, skin, teeth, eardrums, tongues, nails. 99%? When it comes to things that matter, evolution publication “Nature” as recent as last month found more information that chips away at this long held belief.
When you think about it evolutionists hold on to several dozen fossils they believe to be transitional fossils from a species to a next, but even their best evidence fails to make sense in the light of their own evolutionary presuppositions. If you’re going to tell me elephants, squirrels, and sharks are all related then I should see millions of transitional fossils everywhere.
Our extensive fossil record has distinct and extinct showcases of life but what it doesn’t have is convincing evidence for evolution. The evidence should be so overwhelming that it would be inconceivable to question it…like the Big Bang when scientists hated that idea.
And evolutionists are so aware of these facts that they suppose any explanation is better than God. So eminent scientists start playing Mother Goose. Sophisticated stories of alien seeding, asteroid life, and transcendent life on some other plane of imaginary existence..anything! Anything they can think of, to never have to admit that God may exist, because to the evolutionist, that is greatest nonsense of all.
Ironically many Christians could care less if evolution were true. Why should they? There’s no reason why God isn’t the force rushing biology towards the goal of DNA –which is so sophisticated it boggles the mind- or the spectacular machine that is the eye.
All across life evolution tries to prove it did the impossible over and over again. The eyes of the octopus, the eyes of the eagle, and the eyes of a human all as far as possible on an evolutionary tree yet performing the miracle of random natural selection again and again. You would think neo-Darwinists like Dawkins would embrace the mind numbing complexity of life.
But he doesn’t.
In fact he dumbs it down.
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