“The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the unbelievers if any believer not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.” Thomas Aquinas 1250 A.D.
I’ve known so many good Christians who have had no answer for atheists who attack their religion for being intolerant, ignorant, and aggressive. Some say Christianity is a crutch, and for many it is. So is atheism, or naturalism, or just plain indifference. We all simply believe what we want to believe (for our own psychological reasons) despite the facts, despite the evidence. Who wants to change?
There’s no single argument that can be given to convince you that there is a God. There’s no persuasion I can give to make someone pray to Jesus Christ and ask for wisdom. In the end if you want to be an atheist you’ll find enough literature to make you feel that your ”absence of theism” is a valid world view.
I suppose that a natural world is affected by far greater things than natural reasoning. I believe in people to always try their best to better themselves, to seek out perfection and maturity. I trust in the power of brotherhood and family to make manifest the promises of life’s sanctification. I understand that there are bad people in the world, that there are bad Christians in the world, but we don’t have to be those people. I am not one of those Christians.
When I became a Christian I was afraid I’d change. I knew beginning a prayer relationship in Jesus’ name would begin to change me from the inside out.
But I was wrong.
It was the sin that changed me. It was the world that changed me. It was my life of human experiences and lessons, social wisdoms and norms that changed the person I am to the person I was. It was God who brought me back. Jesus who made me, created me and led me to build this relationship that makes me reacquaint myself with myself. Don’t be afraid that church is going to change you, be afraid that life has.
God bless you and all and thank you for reading my blog.
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